Our communities face complex and costly challenges regarding capital improvements and critical services. In a time of decreased revenues, footing the bill for such improvements results in municipalities, economic development authorities, and private clients seeking alternative funding sources. Thomas & Hutton guides our public and private in pursuing and securing funding programs including grants, loans, and bonds from various federal, state, and local government programs. As a civil engineering firm, we can provide the technical boost your application needs in-house, such as preparing preliminary engineering and environmental reports and responding to technical questions from grant agencies.
Getting started with funding applications can be intimidating. Thomas & Hutton aims to be your source for researching, identifying, and negotiating all aspects of the application process for clients. We can help develop a strategy to optimize funding sources, seeking funding from numerous conventional and unconventional programs to ensure project success. Once a grant is successfully awarded, Thomas & Hutton works closely with agencies to ensure compliance with all regulations, track spending, and adhere to timelines. When the ribbon is cut and the doors open, we will keep tabs on project goals and initiatives that are carried out for continued success.
Elevate your next project with Thomas & Hutton’s expert services and gain valuable industry insights from our latest news. Contact us for more information today.