Thomas & Hutton provided industrial environmental planning, permitting, and compliance to assist a German vehicle manufacturer with the coordination and management of environmental affairs related to the permitting and construction of the facility expansion. Pretreatment of industrial wastewater was required on-site to meet the requirements of the Pretreatment Standards for New Sources associated with metal finishing. A wastewater pretreatment system was designed to remove metals, grease, and solids, as well as neutralize the wastewater prior to discharge to the North Charleston Sewer District (NCSD) sewer system. Thomas & Hutton was responsible for obtaining the Pretreatment Permit from NCSD and the preparation of a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) to obtain a Construction Permit from SCDHEC Bureau of Water for the Industrial Wastewater Pretreatment System. Additionally, Thomas & Hutton prepared the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for the expanded facility and marshalling yard.