The Smyrna Train Depot is a freight and passenger house originally erected in Smyrna, Tennessee in 1845. The brick, the rectangular-shaped structure served the railroad industry in middle Tennessee by connecting it with the seaports of Charleston and New Orleans. Located in its namesake Depot District, the Train Depot was revitalized as a part of the Town of Smyrna’s Lowry Street Revitalization Plan, with the goal of developing the downtown area and fostering economic development. It serves as a hub for community events such as festivals, farmer’s markets, art shows, and musical performances. Current Thomas & Hutton employees, prior to their firm joining Thomas & Hutton, provided site grading and layout, construction observation, and architectural services oversight for the 20’ x 24’ stage canopy, stage addition, arced seating, picnic table area, and ADA accessible paths to connect proposed components to the existing sidewalks and parking lot. The team recently worked with the sub-consultant architect for the addition of a sound system, lighting, and seating expansion.
* This project represents experience of Thomas & Hutton employees, gained prior to their firm joining Thomas & Hutton