02 Mar Introduce A Girl To Engineering Day: 4/16 in Atlanta
Posted at 19:49h
in News Sidebar
ACEC Georgia will host their 2022 Introduce A Girl To Engineering Day on Saturday, April 16th at Kennesaw State’s Marietta Campus. T&H is a proud supporting sponsor. Megan Dulamal, Shayla Bradshaw, and Hazl Zafra from our Atlanta Region will all be in attendance leading projects and activities at a booth! Girls in grades 4-8 interested in STEM are encouraged to attend! Please help spread the word: https://www.acecga.org/events/details/2022-introduce-a-girl-to-engineering-day-548
Did you know that ACEC Georgia sends e-blasts with information like this periodically? If you are Georgia-based, make sure to sign up for ACEC Georgia emails by visiting – https://www.acecga.org/communication/ All T&H employees are ACEC members!