Tom Pace Named Vice-Chair of ACEC Tax & Regulatory Affairs Committee

Tom Pace Named Vice-Chair of ACEC Tax & Regulatory Affairs Committee

Congratulations to T&H CFO, Tom Pace, on being named Vice-Chair of ACEC’s Tax & Regulatory Affairs Committee for a two-year term!
The ACEC is the voice of the engineering industry headquartered in Washington, DC, with chapters located throughout the United States. With roots dating back more than 100 years, ACEC is a federation of 52 state and regional councils representing more than 600,000 engineers, architects, land surveyors, and other specialists. ACEC’s primary mission is to strengthen the business environment for its member firms through government advocacy, political action, and business education.
The Tax & Regulatory Affairs Committee undertakes a proactive legislative and regulatory advocacy program in the areas of tax, finance, employment policy, and other regulatory areas on behalf of ACEC member firms.
We applaud Tom on this accomplishment and for his unwavering dedication to the prosperity of T&H, our clients, and the broader engineering industry. Way to go, Tom!