Augusta Stormwater System Inventory and Assessment
Augusta, GA
Water Resource

Thomas & Hutton was selected by Augusta, Georgia (the City of Augusta and Richmond County are managed as a consolidated government) to provide professional services to assess and analyze the stormwater system within the Rocky Creek Watershed. The services to be provided under this long-term contract include geodatabase consulting and development, closed pipe and upland ditch inventory and assessment, geodatabase population, and conventional survey.

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    Thomas & Hutton conducted field work to collect asset inventory and inspection data, including manhole and inlet characterizations, such as material of construction; number, material, and diameter of pipes in the structure; invert elevations measured from the rim (or other structural feature); and condition assessment. Digital photographs of the general location and interior condition of the structures are linked to the asset within the geodatabase.


    Thomas & Hutton used geothinQ, a customized mobile web application, to collect, manage, and communicate the progress of the field inventory and condition assessment. The mobile platform serves as the central management and deployment platform for field personnel to view and navigate maps, perform spatial queries, and edit infrastructure feature attributes in the field. The asset inventory and condition assessment data undergoes internal and external quality control/ quality assurance (QC/QA) procedures and is delivered to the City monthly.


    Thomas & Hutton collected approximately 5,450 structures in the watershed, as well as survey grade datea (elevations) for approximately 10-percent of the inventoried structures. Future tasks may include (as funds become available) stream walks to document the existing conditions of streams in the watershed and documenting outfalls (including screening for illicit discharges) and establishing and monitoring stream cross-sections to assess changes in geomorphology.