Boundary Street Redevelopment
Beaufort, SC
Landscape Architecture

Thomas & Hutton developed roadway improvement plans and streetscape plans for Boundary Street (US 21) in the City of Beaufort between Neil Road and Palmetto Street. This corridor is currently a 5-lane roadway with suburban-style commercial developments. The roadway runs along marsh areas and contains some adjacent publicly-owned lands near the marsh. The project’s main objectives were to improve safety along the roadway for both pedestrians and the motoring public, as well as provide a base for an urban redevelopment along the corridor. The selected design proposed conversion of the center turn-lane to a non-traversable median.  

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    Thomas & Hutton was tasked with reviewing previously completed studies along the corridor and developing a plan which would meet the corridor redevelopment requirements from the City, as well as satisfy SCDOT requirements for US 21.  The new ITE guide for developing walkable urban thoroughfares was used to establish the design criteria for the roadway. Existing large trees along the marsh were all preserved through the use of a boardwalk instead of a pathway along the roadway.  The utilities in the corridor will be placed underground to create a new walkable urban center for the city. All signals along the corridor are to be upgraded and two new signals installed as a part of the project.

    Thomas  & Hutton is responsible for coordination with all stakeholders in the project.  Construction plans, landscape/lighting plans, right-of-way plans are provided to SCDOT for review and approval as directed in Beaufort County’s Intergovernmental Agreement with SCDOT.  The project is funded by County sales tax money.