Thomas & Hutton developed a master plan study for Calhoun Street and the surrounding area. The focus of the study was to provide potential long and short-term solutions to the current parking problems that occur. The study also included conceptual design for the streetscapes on Calhoun, Broad, and Dr. Mellichamp Streets. Thomas & Hutton outlined and conducted a design process to complete the task, including data gathering, public preference survey, opportunity and constraint mapping, a public open house, a public workshop, a detailed parking analysis of existing and needed parking, conceptual streetscape design, and coordination with planning and zoning staff at the Town.
Recommendations included short-term fixes, such as shared parking with the surrounding churches, parking time limits on Calhoun Street, improved pedestrian linkages to existing parking areas, signage, reduced speed limits, and improvements to Broad Street and Dr. Mellichamp Streets. Long term opportunities were also suggested such as remote parking with shuttle service, employee parking areas with shuttle service, opportunities on publicly held lands, multimodal solutions and the like. A number of recommendations of the study were quickly implemented by Town Council, including the proposed redevelopment of Broad and Dr. Mellichamp Streets.